Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Big Event

In the blog post, use your own words to write a 250-300 word description of the single, specific event that kicked off the current controversy. Even if this is an issue that goes back for years or even decades, what is the contemporary event - a legal trial, the publication of a text, the passing or vetoing of a bill or law, etc. - that has re-ignited the debate? Be specific and vivid. Be incredibly detailed. Your description should ignite at least THREE of my FIVE senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch). DO NOT quote from any news stories or use anyone's words other than your own.

subzi73. “DSC00737.jpg” 02/19/2017 via Flickr. Attribution License

On July 16, 1840, Catherine Brewer became the first woman to earn a bachelor’s degree. This marked the beginning of the competition between men and women in the workplace. As the barriers for women to enter the workplace were taken down, their drive to gain gender equality skyrocketed. While this did not mark the start specifically of the move to increase women’s involvement in technology, it marked the start of the battle for educational equality.

Educational equality was the key first step in beginning to create equal opportunities for men and women. Prior to Brewer’s graduation, men were the only employees not only in fields of technology, but also in every other college-degree-requiring field. Women began the trek to becoming inspirations for young girls, starting a domino effect of increasing involvement. As soon as it became attainable, more women sought out an education like that of Brewer.

While we are still working today on curbing the stereotypes marketed to girls - loving pink, frilly, and pretty things, being an attentive, gentle mother, submitting to the desires and catering to the needs of men - the motion towards gender equality is gaining speed. Women of today are demonstrating their ability to seek opportunities outside of those set by antiquated traditions while simultaneously accepting the validity of the choice to be a mother, caregiver, or housewife.

These movements were set in motion by Brewer’s dedication to her education. By obtaining a degree she set the standard for the possibilities available to women. As women began to push for the ability to obtain an equal education as men, they began to push for equal treatment in the workplace. The continuation of these controversies led to the push for female involvement in STEM fields. As involvement increased in areas like bioscience and social science, the need for an increase in involvement in tech fields became apparent. Now, after an extensive history of women pushing for equality, there is a more explicit recognition of the need for women in technology.

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